Respiratory Review Workshop
The Respiratory Review Workshop consists of
1) Respiratory Care Exam Review 5th Edition, by Gary Persing, which will be mailed to you via Priority mail
2) Free access to the Evolve website by Elsevier
3) The Persing Review: TMC Exam Home Workshop, and
4) The Persing Simulation Review
Click here to watch a 4.5 minute video that explains the program
The book Respiratory Care Exam Review 5th Edition, by Gary Persing, contains everything you need to review and prepare for the TMC exam and the clinical simulation exam by the NBRC. It closely aligns with the NBRC 2020 detailed content outline. It includes a practice exam and over 800 questions, both multiple-choice and open-ended, within the text and online. Also accompanying it is the Evolve website by Elsevier. There is a code on the inside cover of the book that gives you free access to the Evolve website.
On the Evolve website there is another TMC practice exam. The exam answers and explanations for those answers are all found on the Evolve website. There are also 20 clinical simulations available. As part of our agreement with Elsevier, to obtain access to the Persing Simulation Review on our website, you must purchase a new Respiratory Care Exam Review book. Therefore it is included free with the Workshop.
On the Respiratory Associates website, The Persing Review: TMC Exam Home Workshop contains:
1) 10 different exams, each containing 10-30 questions (totaling 200 NBRC-style questions), updated to the new 2020 exam content.
2) Over 8 hours of detailed audio explanations ranging from 2 to 10 minutes for every single question.
3) A 115 page exam review study guide containing test-taking tips, math shortcuts, ABG interpretation, ventilator management, patient assessment, home oxygen therapy, and plenty of other topics related to respiratory therapy.
4) The ability for students to email Gary Persing with questions should they need further assistance.
Also on the Respiratory Associates website, the Persing Simulation Review consists of access to 10 videos of simulations on the Evolve website, in which Gary Persing takes you through the simulations step-by-step, carefully explaining what the NBRC is looking for and how to manage your time during the test. As an example, he explains the importance of selecting proper choices concerning vital signs, and how good choices can add while bad choices can deduct from your score. You can view one of the simulations on our website for free without registering.
The Respiratory Review Workshop is available 24/7. Once you purchase it, you have access to the material on our website for 90 days. If you’d like, you can hear Gary review a simulation or test over and over again. If you have any questions for Gary, you can email him and he’ll be glad to answer you in more detail. He’ll answer any questions you have. His interest is in helping you pass your exams to become a Registered Respiratory Therapist.
Respiratory schools which purchase the Respiratory Review Workshop, The Persing Review: TMC Exam Home Workshop, or the Persing Simulation Review for their students will receive a 10% discount regardless of the number of students enrolled.
Not included with our Annual CEU Subscription.