Getting Started

1. Don't have an account yet? Click VIEW OFFERS in the Discount CEU Offers box. Clicking this button will take you to our Discounts page. There you can click the ENROLL NOW button in the FREE COURSE box. On the next page click the $0 - ADD TO CART button, then click CHECKOUT. You're on the way to our free Recorded Live Credit course, approved by the AARC for 1.0 Live CRCE credit hour.

2. Fill out your information on the checkout page, including your first and last name, email address, and license numbers for reporting. You can also provide your AARC number if you are a member, but this is not required. If you don't have a state license yet, enter a few zeroes.

3. At the bottom of the checkout page, you will create your username and password. Don't forget these! You'll need them to log back into our website. Click on "PLACE ORDER".

4. You will be taken to a purchase confirmation screen. Our free course is offered every day on a set schedule. Make certain you are logged into the website prior to starting the course and go to CEUs > Today's Recorded Live Course Schedule.

5. This is what our course page looks like. Our free Recorded Live Credit CEU course is available every day at these times: 0900 Eastern / 0800 Central / 0700 Mountain / 0600 Pacific. You will have 1.5 hours to complete this 1 hour course. To meet the new AARC rules, our Recorded Live Credit CEU courses are Provider-Directed, which means each course will be available only on the posted days and times. Each day of the week you will have access to 15 hours of Live CEUs.
During the time this course is open to take, next to Lesson 1 Instructions, click "Start This Lesson" and Lesson 1 will open. Click the video to start, stop, and rewind. If you are using an iPad, turn it sideways (landscape mode) so the video controls will be visible.
Please read our Instructions page to learn how to take all of our course types.