Frequently Asked Questions
If you have reviewed our Instructions and FAQ and still require assistance, please contact us via webchat or at 682.302.4414 or by using our Contact Us form.
Go to CEUs > Instructions.
For our users who are licensed as RTs in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Tennessee, we report the courses taken by users with active (non-expired) licenses to CE Broker the following day. It is then up to CE Broker to assign those courses to your account. Once our reporting is done, any delay is their responsibility.
When the Texas Medical Board gives the go-ahead we will begin reporting to CE Broker for Texas RCPs. For now it is a moot point as we are still waiting for the word.
Please make sure you correctly list your state license when registering to use our website. If your license is expired we will not be able to report your courses. You will need to tell us when your expired license is restored to active status by using our webchat or the Contact Us form on our website. You may also use these methods to list multiple state licenses you possess so that we may report your courses taken to other state boards that utilize CE Broker.
In February 2023 CE Broker stated North Carolina is no longer using their service.
In November 2024 CE Broker stated Mississippi is no longer using their service.
Yes, we do! As soon as you have completed a course evaluation (and test where applicable) your certificate will be found in the Completed Courses section of the Account > Certificates page.
There is no test required for our live courses.
Go to our Course Catalog page (CEUs > Course Catalog), where you can filter courses by name, topic, etc. This page lets you see all our courses on one page. Click here to go directly to the page.
To locate a specific Recorded Live Credit course and the schedule(s) on which it is offered, go to any of our Recorded Live Credit course schedules and below the list of courses click on the Locate / Purchase a Course button.
Go to our RCP Leadership Courses page (CEUs > CA RCP Leadership Courses). This page lists all the courses we believe meet the criteria for California RCP Leadership.
We also encourage you to visit our California CE requirements page (CEUs > State CE Requirements > California) for a detailed look at the requirements for licensure, renewal, plus helpful links to the Respiratory Care Board of California website.
Prior to the new AARC rules of 3/2022 you could watch any Recorded Live Credit course at your convenience when our content expert was available. To meet the new AARC rules, each course will be available only on the posted days and times. You can watch and re-watch a course but you have to do so when the course is open. Every day we have 15 hours of courses users can take. With over 100 hours of CEU courses, we cannot offer every course every day, so we created ten schedules (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, & J), each with courses opening and closing at specific times. Every day users can take our free course Hemoglobin Abnormalities. We also offer 2 ethics courses and 1 patient safety course daily.
If you try to open a course that is not scheduled, you will instead see a course page directing you to that day's Recorded Live Credit Course Schedule. The courses listed are the ones you can take that day. To take a course click on the course name in today's schedule. Make certain the course is open. Double-check your time zone against the times listed.
If you leave a course in progress and wish to return to it later, on the date and time it is next scheduled to open, find it on the Recorded Live Credit Course Schedule and click on the course name. You will be able to continue where you left off. To locate future course dates, click on the course schedules below today's listings or go to CEUs > Upcoming Recorded Live Credit Courses. You can also search for a particular course by going to CEUs > Locate Your Course. Clicking the up/down arrows will let you sort the columns (e.g. click on the down arrow next to Content Area to find all our ethics courses).
You can also search for a particular course by going to CEUs > Locate Your Course. Clicking the up/down arrows will let you sort the columns (e.g. click on the down arrow next to Content Area to find all our ethics courses).
The system will save any completed lessons within a course if the time expires - this allows you to finish the course later without starting over. Watching the presentation and then clicking the MARK COMPLETE button sets the lesson status as completed.
Tip: You can easily locate today's courses by going to CEUs > Today's Recorded Live Credit Course Schedule. You can also click on the green VIEW SCHEDULE button in the Live CEUs (Recorded) box on our Home page. If you see tomorrow's courses listed, you are searching after today's last course closed and the schedule has been changed to the next day.
Access to a Recorded Live Credit course opens and closes at the scheduled times. It is not enough to just jump in before access to the course closes. The course will close at the stated time and you will not be able to progress. For example, a course opens at 1:00 pm and closes at 2:30 pm. You begin the course at 2:00 pm. You began a 1 hour course with only 30 minutes remaining - you will not be able to complete it. You did not waste your time, however. By clicking the MARK COMPLETE button below each lesson video you allowed our website to track your progress. If you completed 5 of 9 lessons, when the course is once again open you can return and complete it.
Our Self-Directed (Non-Traditional) courses are accepted by all state boards for either all or a portion of an RT's CEU requirements. See our State CE Requirements page and click on your state if you are unsure how many of these courses you are allowed to submit for license renewal.
Each Self-Directed course is On Demand and available to take 24/7 (they never close). To begin a course, click on the course name. When the course page loads, click on Start This Lesson next to Lesson 1. Each course has a post-test that must be passed with a score of at least 70%.
If you purchased a course (or an Annual CEU Subscription) and see COURSE LOCKED - Purchase This Course when you try to take it, it's because you are not logged into the website. You need to log into the website so it will recognize you and grant access to the course(s) you purchased.
Look in the top right corner - on the menu row to the right of Support, Blog, Contact Us, you should see an Account menu. If there is a Log In button instead, click that, log in, and you'll be able to take your course.
If you're using a tablet and don't see Contact Us, Log In (or Account), turn your device to landscape mode (sideways) so you can see the entire menu row or click the three horizontal lines on the top right to open the mobile menu.
On a mobile device, click the menu on the top right and scroll down. If you see Log In under Contact Us, click on it to log in to the website.
There are 2 possible solutions here.
1) You did not mark "Lesson 1 Instructions" complete by clicking the green Mark Complete button. Failure to mark this first lesson complete will result in no Mark Complete button under any of the following lessons. Return to the first lesson, click the Mark Complete button, and when Lesson 2 appears do the same. Repeat this course of action until you reach the evaluation. You will not have to watch the course again in its entirety.
2) If you purchased a course (or an Annual CEU Subscription), watched a lesson video and do not see a green Mark Complete button below the video, it's because you are not logged into the website. You need to log into the website so it will recognize you and grant access to the course(s) you purchased.
Look in the top right corner - on the menu row to the right of Support, Blog, Contact Us, you should see an Account menu. If there is a Log In button instead, click that, log in, and you'll be able to take your course.
If you are using a tablet and don't see Support, Blog, Contact Us, Log In (or Account), turn your device to landscape mode so you can see the entire menu row.
On a mobile device, click the three horizontal lines on the top right of our website and make certain you see Account below Contact Us. If you see a Log In button instead of an Account menu, you aren’t logged in.
Make certain you're logged in (see "I purchased a course but when I try to take it, it tells me COURSE LOCKED)".
If you are trying to take a Recorded Live Credit course, click on the course name, then click Start This Lesson under Lessons.
If you are logged in to the website and have an active Annual CEU Subscription, and you're having issues getting into any of our courses, DO NOT add the course to your cart. Chat with us through the website or call us at 682.302.4414 and we will add the course for you.
You used the outline on the lesson page to move between lessons.
As stated on each course page: "Click the green MARK COMPLETE button below each video to advance to the next Lesson. DO NOT use the course outline to move from one lesson to the next or you will not be able to access the evaluation."
Our CEUs > Instructions page also states: "When you take either our Recorded Live Credit or Self-Directed courses, on each lesson page there is a grayed out "MARK COMPLETE" button below the presentation. After you watch the entire lesson video it becomes green. Click on any Required Link(s) prior to moving to the next lesson. Click the green MARK COMPLETE button to move to the next lesson. All the lessons leading up to the evaluation must be marked complete. If you use the course outline to navigate between lessons, you will see "Please go back and complete the previous lesson" when you click on the evaluation. Remedy: return to lesson 1 and click the MARK COMPLETE (or Next Lesson) button. After lesson 2 automatically loads, click the button again, and so on until you reach the evaluation."
You won't have to watch each lesson again. Simply return to lesson 1 and click the MARK COMPLETE (or Next Lesson) button. Each succeeding lesson will automatically load. Click the green MARK COMPLETE button on each lesson until you reach the evaluation.
As part of the approval process for accreditation of our live courses by the AARC , we have to specify the method we will use to identify successful completion of our course. Return of an evaluation form by an attendee is the method we chose.
Completion of an evaluation within 30 minutes of the end of the Zoom class is our stated rule for this purpose. This rule is listed on both our Real-Time Live Broadcast page and on each Real-Time Live Broadcast course page. We also give verbal instructions at the beginning of the Zoom class plus both written and verbal instructions at the end of the Zoom class that the evaluation must be completed within 30 minutes after the presentation ends.
Following each Zoom class we are available by website chat, email, phone, and text to assist any users who needed assistance.
We are here to help every paid attendee receive a certificate. If you attended an exceptionally large class (e.g. a sponsored free course with upwards of 100+ attendees) we will double the evaluation period to an hour.
Go to Account > Certificates, find the course you took (completed courses will be listed at the top of this page and will have a check mark inside a green circle) and click on "Print Your Certificate" to the right of the course title. Completed courses are listed in chronological order along with the completion date, with your most recent course at the bottom of the list. You may print your certificate and/or save it to your computer, USB drive, the cloud, or whatever electronic means of storage you prefer. Certificates for Real-Time Live Broadcasts may only be printed from this page.
Are you clicking on Print Your Certificate and nothing happens? It could be you have not directed your browser to allow pop-ups from our website. Your certificate will appear in a new window (or tab) on your browser (aka a pop-up). Here is how to direct your browser to allow pop-ups from our website...
Chrome browser: In the top right corner click on the three dots, then click again on Settings. Click on Privacy and security, then scroll down the page to Content and click on Pop-ups and redirects. Next to Allowed to send pop-ups and use redirects click the Add button. Enter and click the Add button. Close the Chrome browser, then reopen it and navigate back to our website. Click on Print Your Certificate and it will now appear.
Edge browser: In the top right corner click on the three dots, then click again on Settings. Click on Cookies and site permissions, then scroll down the page to All Permissions and click on Pop-ups and redirects. Next to Allow click the Add button. Enter and click the Add button. Close the Edge browser, then reopen it and navigate back to our website. Click on Print Your Certificate and it will now appear.
Firefox browser: In the top right corner click on the three horizontal lines, then click again on Settings. Click on Privacy & Security, then scroll down the page to Permissions and click on Exceptions next to Block pop-up windows. Enter and click the Allow button. Next click the Save Changes button. Close the Firefox browser, then reopen it and navigate back to our website. Click on Print Your Certificate and it will now appear.
If you are using a mobile device the steps above may be slightly different, but the basic architecture of the browser settings remain the same.
We are based in Texas, located in the Central Time zone. All certificate dates are based on this time standard.
If you live in the Eastern time zone and complete a Self-Directed course between 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM, the certificate issued will have yesterday's date. The reason why is 1:00 AM Eastern time is 12:00 AM Central time.
If you live in the Mountain time zone and complete a Self-Directed course at or after 11:00 PM, the certificate issued will have tomorrow's date. The reason why is 11:00 PM Mountain time is 12:00 AM Central time.
If you live in the Pacific time zone and complete a Self-Directed course at or after 10:00 PM, the certificate issued will have tomorrow's date. 10:00 PM Pacific time is 12:00 AM Central time.
On the Account > Courses page, scroll down to Enrolled Courses. All of the courses to which you have access are listed here. Incomplete courses are marked with an orange circle with a completion status indicated to the right of the course name. If there is more than one page of courses, click the NEXT button to move to the following page.
Note: Do not attempt to open a Recorded Live Credit course from this page (any course that does not have Live Broadcast or Self-Directed following the name). If the course is not currently open you will not be able to access it. Click the green button at the top of the page to see today's Recorded Live Credit CEUs. These are the Recorded Live Credit courses available today.
Yes, you may, but please click here to learn which of our courses are acceptable for your state.
If you are using a tablet, put it in landscape mode (sideways). When using portrait mode (vertical) the play button on the videos may not show up.
If you are taking the courses while at a hospital and some of the lesson videos won’t play, it is probably because your facility is blocking our website and/or YouTube. Ask them to add our website to their whitelist. If they can't or won't, see if there is a guest WiFi and use a device that logs onto that instead of the main hospital network.
If you're using the Chrome browser or a Chromebook, sometimes a video will start and instantly stop. The issue is the Chrome pop-up blocker. In the top right corner click on the three dots, then click again on Settings. Click on Privacy and security, then scroll down the page to click on Site settings. Next click on Pop-ups and redirects and to the right of Allowed to send pop-ups and redirects click on the Add button. Enter and click the Add button. You should be able to close this tab and see the video work now after refreshing the page (click the circle icon to do this), but if not, close the Chrome browser, then reopen it and navigate back to our website.
Another answer to this issue is to download the free VLC media player. Go to and click the box "Download VLC".
Please email us with the course name and lesson number.
To change your password you may:
- Click on the Log In button and then on "Lost your password?" That will take you to the Get New Password page.
- If you are logged in, go to the Account menu and choose Update Account Info, then scroll down the page to Change your Password.
- Chat with us through the website for instant support, or call our office at 682.302.4414 and we'll reset it for you.
The process for audits in each state is different. The first thing we recommend you do is go to CEUs > State CE Requirements. We have listed the most pertinent information for each state, with links to their RT board, contact info, renewal info, continuing education requirements, laws and regulations, etc. State requirements can change without notice, so always go to your state's RT board to verify its licensure requirements.
Most states want copies of your certificates, and have a specific email address, physical address, or fax number where they want them sent. Some states have an online portal where you upload them. Either way, you will likely need to send in copies of your certificates. Go to Account > My Courses. This page will show you all the courses you have completed and (if any) courses you are enrolled in and haven't completed. If you have completed a course, it will be in the Completed Courses section with a green check mark to the left of the course name. Click “Print Your Certificate” on the right and you may either print or download your certificate. If you don't see your certificates, contact us for assistance.
If your state is requesting a provider number for the course(s) you took, our AARC assigned number is on the bottom right of every certificate. (Example: Respiratory Lecture Series Course #184569000). This number changes every month, so courses taken in February and March will have different course numbers. Courses taken in March of one year will have a course number that differs from those taken in March of the following year.
Per the AARC guidelines, we report the previous month's course rosters to them in the following month (usually by the first week). The AARC reviews the submitted rosters and enters the information we provide. Per the AARC, the process will normally be completed within 30 days. If you need to contact the AARC, their number is 972-243-2272.
If you’ve made any purchases in the last 30 days and now want to upgrade to a subscription, please contact us and we will give you a discount code worth the amount you’ve already paid. You can purchase the subscription using this discount code to pay the difference.
Purchasing courses individually allows you to take a course for credit one time (you may review the course material, but your certificate will always have the date you originally took the course). If you want to retake a course with a new certificate pass date, you will need to purchase it again and then let us know you need your course reset prior to taking it.
If you have an active Annual CEU Subscription and want to retake a recorded live credit course with a new certificate date, click on the course name on the schedule when it is open. On the bottom right of the course page (below the orange PRINT YOUR CERTIFICATE button) there is a green RESET THIS COURSE button. Make certain you have printed your previous certificate - this step will erase the old one. Click on the button to reset the course PRIOR TO TAKING THE COURSE AGAIN. Refresh the page and confirm form re-submission (if necessary) to complete this action. You can reset and retake a Self-Directed course at any time.
Go to CEUs > State CE Requirements. Please ensure you read the disclaimer at the top of the Requirements page. The information was as accurate as possible at the time of publication. However, you are encouraged to read your state licensure requirements from the primary source, e.g. state website. If you find any errors or there are new requirements that haven’t been updated, please email us and we will ensure the page gets updated.
If you purchased courses individually or via bundled packages you will remain enrolled in the course until you complete it. You will never lose access to the course.
Annual CEU Subscriptions are good for 365 days from purchase and auto-renew unless canceled. If you cancel your auto-renewal, please print all your certificates prior to your subscription expiration date. Once your subscription expires you will lose access to the course material and be unable to print certificates.
Go to Account > My Account and on the row where you see Account Details, Certificates, Subscriptions, click on Subscriptions. If you are using a mobile device turn it sideways and using the arrow scroll to the end. You can view its status and update your payment method.
If you would like our assistance we will gladly make the change for you. Just give us a call at 682.302.4414.
Go to Account > My Account and on the row where you see Account Details, Certificates, Subscriptions, click on Subscriptions. If you are using a mobile device turn it sideways and using the arrow scroll to the end. You can view its status, update your payment method, cancel the auto-renewal, etc.
Per our Terms of Use, we will refund an unused annual subscription up to sixty (60) days after the subscription renews. YOU MUST REACH OUT TO US TO REQUEST A REFUND IF YOU DESIRE ONE. Simply canceling the automatic renewal WILL NOT initiate a refund of the annual subscription fee.
If your Annual CEU Subscription expires, you will lose access to both your certificates and the course material. Make certain you print and/or save your certificates prior to your subscription's expiration. We can create a CEU report and/or print your certificates to a pdf file and email it to you if your Annual CEU Subscription expires.