Understanding Chronic Cough Live Broadcast

Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $5.00.

If you purchased the course or have an Annual CEU Subscription, join the Zoom class by clicking here

This broadcast is sponsored by MethaPharm Respiratory Their sponsorship has provided you a $5 discount, allowing you to take it for only $5.

Purchasing this course allows you to participate in the live broadcast airing on Friday, January 12, 2024. Course times this day are:

1:00 pM Eastern
12:00 PM Central
11:00 AM Mountain
10:00 AM Pacific

Please note this is not a course that may be taken at any time.

If you miss a Real-Time Live Broadcast you paid to attend, we can move you to another broadcast, enroll you in either a Recorded Live Credit or Self-Directed course, all of the same value, or refund your purchase. Just let us know your choice and we’ll make it happen.

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